Back on the train we go, this time heading to a small town called Bassi. Waiting for a train no matter where you are in the world always presents a unique display of local life, India definitely offers some of the more fascinating displays I’ve seen. Here a colourful sight walks down the platform towards us:
I don’t know where this monkey is going but he is waiting just as patiently for the train as us:
Once we got to Bassi we stocked up on water (and chocolate ahem) and then rode in open jeeps to Bijaipur. As much as a I think pink buses are an excellent idea I am sorta glad we weren’t on this one where there was sitting room on the roof only. Lucky the Indian family behind it have their own family vehicle.
Our accommodation in Bijaipur was none other than Bijaipur Castle! Less Disney and more Tree of Life, it was pretty cool! Here is the entry to my room and my cosy window seat where I admit I whiled away a few hours of my stay reading.
I. Want. One.
I did ensure to move around a bit and spend some time reading from the swing-y chair. and the balcony day bed in the sun. I think I read two books in two days here – heaven.
I wandered around the castle on exploring missions too – the rooftop was beautiful! A bit too hot to read up here though (this white stone so popular here gets absolutely scorching to stand on!)
And I got henna-ed! A must do in India, even though I am quite familiar with the process having done a lot of henna-ing on myself at home, it was nice to have the authentic experience.
In the afternoon we went for a village tour and met lots of the locals – look at these cuties:
All the dogs have the same nap time I think. It appears to span most of the day.
We bumped into a group of beautifully dressed women, amongst them a young bride on her way to her wedding – she is in red below.
The locals are happy to pose for photos – though they must think we’re strange for finding their everyday life so picture worthy.
We toured the farm and fields, saw where they hold their town meetings. Living in Sydney is so far removed from this way of life, where community is everything and everyone relies on each other.
And to end with something pretty… just coz it’s pretty:
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