Along the Away

a traveler's tales

Year of Good Things

January 4, 2014 Gratitude, Life

I saw this wonderful idea pop up on Pinterest – creating a jar where you put reminder notes of the good things that happen during the year. At the end of the year (or when you feel you need to) you read all the notes in one big happy gratitude session.

Like so many Pinterest finds there are many variations once you start looking so I don’t know who to credit with the idea, but here are some of the ones I love:

Jar of Good Things from Jar of Good Things from
Jar of Good Things from Jar of Gratitude from

So, I’m going to do this in 2014; my jar is already waiting for wonderful things to start happening:

Along The Away - Jar Of Good Things 2013 Along The Away - Jar Of Good Things 2013 2

Actually, I may have already put a Good Thing in there… we are four days into 2014 already!

I also popped in a little notebook for super convenience – no excuses not to jot good things down and into the jar :-)

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Sydney based, coastal dwelling. When I'm not at work I'm somewhere outdoors, or in the yoga studio, or at my local cafe, or pottering at home.

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